SpaceF Devices is a company located in Paris, France.

SpaceF activities are registered under number SIRET 421 384 439 00046  as a “Micro-Entrepreneur” applying a VAT rate of 0%.

Data Types and Usage

We use your personal data to give you access to your account, allowing you to download the purchased products.

  • We may use your email to inform you of special offers and discounts reserved to you. 
  • We also use your email to resolve any issue concerning your order or technical issues that you may encounter. 
  • Other type of data is the data requested by law such as invoices that we must keep for 5 years.



This website uses cookies for several purposes:

  • Facilitate your access to your account and to the downloads of purchased products
  • Facilitate access to the user support ticket system
  • Detect and ban suspicious and malicious activities such as spammers, spam bots, hackers and so on.
  • SpaceF does not use applications from Google such as Google Analytics.

Paypal Data

SpaceF is a verified “gold” account and we use Paypal since  2003.   We are informed of the completion of your payment by Paypal.  

We do not have access to your bank card – and we do not want to have access to it. That’s why we offer payment by credit/payment cards through Paypal, because Paypal will not give us your bank account/payment card information. 

We might use your name and paypal email to resolve any issue concerning your payment, either with you directly or with Paypal: we write to you by email to keep you informed of the resolution of the issue at stake.

Your rights

Concerning any personal data recorded on this website, you have :

  • Right to access the information, for example by logging in the website and checking your personal data that you have recorded.  
  • Right to modify your personal information, by accessing your account and modifying the data. For example, you can modify your password by yourself and we do not have access to your password which is encrypted.
  • Right to request deletion of your data. Please note that deletion of your data forbids future access to your account, because this account will not exist anymore. Once your account is deleted, we will not be able to retrieve information such as orders that you made or downloads to which you normally have access.
  • Right to unsubscribe or Opt-out from newsletters and other information that may be sent to you by email.  That said, we generally use forums and news website to inform our users, and in 20 years, SpaceF has never sent a newsletter to anyone. 

Exrcising your rights:

  • You have access to your account and may modify most information by yourself. 
  • You can open a support ticket to make a written claim about your rights and ask us to retrieve or delete data. 
  • If, after contacting support, you still have a legal claim concerning our managment of your data, you should write to your Data Authority such as the CNIL in France, or your local data authority as you wish.