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Download FMZ Manual

Download Spirit and FMZ

Get FMZ  and Spirit

FMZ is part of the KrOn Max Pack




FMZ is one of the best of the KrOn collection, and is generally different from other Scope FM synths.
Very light on resources, it uses 3 full Operator circuits (osc+eg), adds 3 filter and a mix & fx section.
FMZ can be used as a 3 operator synth, or as a “multi-synth” with 3 synths.


Mini-FMZ is a single Operator from FMZ, which comes free with KrOn. In the video below, a bass sound using Mini-FMZ controlled by midi keyboard and midi Controllers (KrOn is not used, just to show what synths without modulators can do when modulated manually). Of course, you can get exactly the same sound in FMZ.

Mini-FMZ is included in KrOn and KrOn Max Pack.
