KrOn 2

Family: KrOn
Type: Add-on| Update
KrOn 2 is an update and includes additional devices
Registered users of KrOn can download KrOn 2 in their user accounts. The package is still named “KrOn” or “KrOn Max Pack” and includes the 4 new devices. KrOn 1 is still avalable as a legacy device. You can download KrOn v1 and request a demo key.

KrOn+MS20+Minitaur. It is easy to control V/Oct and Hz/V with a single KrOn.  The MS20 has pitch and trigger controls, while the Minimax uses pitch and 2 envelopes with a delayed start, that modulate the filter and trigger the envelopes.

KrOn is great for Scope DSP Synths. Here with the FMZ “multi-synth”, ie 3 independant synths into the same device. KrOn+FMZ transorm your Scope into a multitimbral analog workstation. 

KrOn comes with a Midi-Note to CV module allowing to convert any Midi keyboard into a CV keyboard. Here, it plays an Erika Synth Pico VCO that goes into the MS20 Filter.  The module supports pitch bend and portamento.  It works as a standalone device or connected to KrOn to give it the root keys around which modulators are modulatin.

KrOn v2 includes 4 devices that adapt various scenarios and dsp cards

  • KrOn 2 “Max”: includes DSP, V/Oct and Hz/V formats
  • KrOn 2 : does not include Hz/V formats (only DSP and V/Oct, as Hz/V is mainly used for Korg MS20 and similar vintage synths).
  • Mini-KrOn 2 a : lighter with only 1 32 steps sequencer, that will be enough for most setups. The T-Mix also includes 3 sources instead of 5.  Mini-KrOn 2 b: a different shape to adapt screen of lower resolution (laptops, 19’ screens)
List of new features
  • Addition of a manual tempo, controllable by midi CC messages/controllers. Users can set the minimum and maximum tempo as they wish. The mid value of the pot (12 o’clock) will be the expected mid tempo average. A display of the tempo in Hertz is available.
  • Shuffle is common to the 32 and 8 steps sequencers, because shuffle has no effect on an 8 steps sequence (because it is not the steps that need to be moved to create the shuffle/swing effect).
  • All sequencers can be played forward, backward, randomly.
  • With the 32 steps sequencers, the forward/backward/random modes are available for each block of 16 steps. So a 32 steps sequence can begin “forward” and finish “randomly”, or other combinations
  • 32 steps sequencers: AB / BA Play Mode, allowing to reverse the order of the 16 steps blocks
  • Previous “Play mode” renamed “Pong” (sequential switching between blocks of 16 steps).
  • New value “Null” (note 37) that send a digital “nothing”.   This Null value allows summing 2 pitch sequencers together while avoiding transposition to the upper octave that happens otherwise (inside KrOn, it works a little bit like this c1+c1=c2, but c1+null=c1). This is useful when a second pitch sequencer is used in Random mode to add a note randomly to another sequence.
    • Oct 2020: this feature is not continued in “KrOn 3” because it negatively changes the way the presets behave. KrOn 2 is still available in the “Legacy” folder of the KrOn 3 installation, in case it is needed, but should not be used when you can use KrOn 3 (because of preset improvements as well as new functions in KrOn 3).
  •  Quad Modulator: faster switches to achive “zero latency”. This opens the way to chaining several pitch or val sequencers. You can chain all pitch and val sequencers to achieve 64 or 128 steps easily. At the lowest speed  each part of the quads will be repeated once, simulating 256 steps (256 steps is possible but KrOn only includes 4*32 steps sequencers, ie a maximum of 128 steps internally).
  • Independent Retrigger modes:  the Quad sequencer can be retriggered by the main gate, or by a manual button, or by external signals.
  • New Quad “Play” mode allowing users to switch manually between the 4 parts of the quad modulators. This allows to program sequences or modulators for verse, chorus, bridge etc, or variations to trigger at will.
  • LFO1/2/3: new Pre-delay / fade in / fade out parameters, triggered by notes-on messages.
  • T Mix Modulator allows to mix all 5 LFOs + “something else” (“x” selector drop down menu), allowing t create ready to use patterns without monopolizing output slots.
  • 57 color labels to match/differentiate the destination software or hardware, and make the outputs more obvious/organized.
  • Output numbers on the front page and that will change according to the selected routing output.
  • Revised Custom page with simplified labels.
  • Auto-Gate of EG 1 & 2: less trigger sources, making more sense in usage, in order to save DSP resources.
  • P1/P2 outputs:  Slot 1 simplified to output Pitch and Val modulators only. Other modulators still available in other slots (no loss of possibilities)
  • A1/A2 outputs: slot 3 simplified for LFOs and Midi components (AT, Ctkf, controllers…), while other modulators are still available in other slots. No loss of possibilities.
  • 8 steps sequencer (Pitch 3) did not save correctly in presets. Corrected.
  • The 16 A/B button (selection between 32 and 16 steps modes) now saved in presets.
  • On Mini-KrOn,  outputs 2 and 3 actually change their position on screen depending on the selected output routing.
  • Rework of many parts of the UI, for better/cleaner graphics and labels.

Mini-KrOn v2 and Scope synths (Scope DSP mode)